As part of our online Rights for Kids festival, we had a series of mini podcasts concerning this project. In these podcasts we have a series of interviews with the partners of the project explaining their performance and their contribution in the project Rights4Kids.
Leonardo Sartori, member of Fondazione Aida and coordinator of the project describes how they have used theatre in Italy in order to promote the rights in life and nationality
Aggeliki Konstantopoulou from the Network for Children's Rights explains what is the convention and which is the general situation related with the children's rights in the world
Nikolas Kamtsis, Directo of the Aeroploio Theatre in Greece explains the concept behind the Greek performance and how a fairy tale is used in order to raise awareness on the Right for Education (podcast in Greek)
Dana Račková, the president of Performalita, explains the Czech perforance combining the awareness of the rights of the children with the promotion of scientific knowledge in relation with environment issues
Ivana Milenovic Popovic from Dah Teatar talks about the Serbian performance related with the article of the Convention on the Rights of the Child that says that all adults should act in a way that it's best for children