Rights 4 kids on line Festival will take place on Friday 20th November on the facebook Page of R4k Project.
All the partners will be present live and they will discuss the activties of the project on the occasion of World Children's Rights Day.
THE MEETING - From 9.00 am to 10.30 am
The festival will be the arrival point of the project. In view of the current health emergency, it was decided to make it online on the morning of Friday 20th November on the occasion of World Children's Rights Day. The project partners will be present and will tell about their activities and the creation of the shows, with audio and video support.
Each partner will talk about the several workshops that were held with children in all partner countries, in schools or education centres.
Afterwards, they will explain how the stories that emerged during the workshops were the basis for the development of the script for each performance and which articles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child were used.
At the end there will be the chance for the audience to participate in a short debate regarding the Right of the children with the european partners.
On the vimeo platform will remain online for one year, free of charge, the complete videos of the theatrical performances from AEROPLIO Theatre, Fondazione AIDA, Dah Theatre and Performalita. And also there will be the chance to learn different through video-worskshop for students, teatcher and parents realized by Network for Children’s Right.
9:00am - 9:10am Institutional greetings and introduction about the European project and its contents by FONDAZIONE AIDA
9:10am - 9:20am How to create a workshop dedicated to children's rights? Methodology by NETWORK FOR CHILDREN'S RIGHTS (Greece)
9:20am - 9:30am From the workshop to the creation of the performance with the participation of director Pino Costalunga by ASSOCIAZIONE ATTI (Italy)
9:30am - 9:40am The e-learning method by ACTION SYNERY (Greece) and presentation of the performance of AEROPLIO THEATRE (Greece)
9:40am - 9:50am The universal value of Children's Rights - the DAH Teater performance (Serbia)
9:50 am - 10:00am Climate change and children's rights - what is the connection? the PERFORMALITA performance (Czech Republic)
10:00am - 10:30am Short final debate, sharing of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and indications for access to performances and online workshops