In the framework of the Rights for Kids project we brought disadvantaged children closer to the theatre by enabling them to participate in the development of theatre performances not only as an audience but also as co-creators. We encouraged children to reflect on their rights and share their experiences and stories. We raised awareness on the Convention on the Rights of the Children. We promoted an understanding and awareness of the value of the arts in the educational process. We developed the skills of people working in the culture and creative sectors to use theatre in order to promote the social inclusion of children and to work on the Convention on the Rights of the Children.

In order to be able to achieve these objectives, the project has realised workshops with children in all partner countries. In the framework of these workshops the children were able to express themselves freely and talk about the issues related with their rights. The stories that came out from these workshops formed the basis for the development of the scenarios. The workshops were based on a methodology thatwas transferred to the project by the expert partner “Network for the Rights of Children” which is working for years on issues related with the promotion of the rights of children and issues related with the Convention.

On the basis of the results of the workshops, the scenarios have been developed for the theatrical performances. Each theatrical performance has covered at least 2 articles of the Convention on the basis of the stories that have been collected during the workshops. The theatre performances were performed in theatres and schools, as much as it was allowed by the Covid19 pandemic, as well as online.

In order to bring together all the performances, the project has organised an online Rights for Kids Festivals where all the performances (from the 4 countries) have been presented together with other parallel activities focusing on the rights of the child. The performances were presented to a wide audience in this occasion.

In order to ensure the widest possible sustainability of the project, the performances as well as all the guidelines and materials produced by the project were recorded and subtitled in English, and then uploaded in the portal that the project has developed together with other resources related with the Rights of the Child.

The project, again for issues related with sustainability, has organised an e-learning course with the aim to develop the skills of the professionals all over Europe. The material developed by the project has been transformed in e-learning material and an open call for participation was sent all over Europe. The course is going was organized in English.
Through these activities, the project managed to include disadvantaged children in creative and culture activities and raise awareness on the Convention for the Rights of Children.
The project has focused more on the target group of children 13-18.